As soon as the torque boxes were welded I started fitting the floor pans. They are not difficult to be installed but need quite a many test fittings, then cutting and drilling the holes for spot welding. The new floor pans are longer than the original ones in the front end of the pans. This showed up to be excellent for me as I had not ordered new toe boards. The extension can be seen below.
Before the final assembly the edges of the floorpan were painted as it might be difficult to do later. First I welded spots to the area below inner rocker. Then I applied squeezers and pliers to pull the pan against frame rail extension and to the correct line in the propeller shaft tunnel where old and new metal overlap about one inch. It may appear later that rust feels that area nice and cozy but butt-welding would have been too difficult, at least for me.
I had to weld a couple of spots working under the body because I had drilled through the flange in the frame rail extension while removing the old metal. Therefore only few drilled holes can be seen in the above picture.
The separate rear part of the pan needs to be narrowed for about 6 cm as it is meant for coupes and fasbacks which do not have inner rockers. I was so busy working with it that I forgot to shoot pictures of it. Now I had fixed the first half of the floor. I wanted to do something else for a change.